Building the Navy & Marines
Navy shipbuilding was also born in Philadelphia in 1775 when the Second Continental Congress authorized the constructions of frigates.
Come Join Us on October 10, 2024, to Celebrate the Navy & Marine Corps 249th Birthdays and Support the Navy & Marine Corps 250th Celebration in Fall 2025!
More InfoThe Navy and Marine Corps were born in Philadelphia and the Delaware River, and their 250th birthdays are best celebrated at their birthplace.
The Navy and Marines were created in Independence Hall, organized at Tun Tavern, and launched their first ship and amphibious mission on the Delaware River. U.S. Navy shipbuilding began on the Delaware, and both banks of the Delaware supplied innovative ships and Navy and Marine heroes for centuries. There is no better place for their 250th celebrations.
Only on the Delaware can the Navy’s 250-year history be displayed by assembling ships from every major conflict in which the Navy has fought. Only in Philadelphia can Tun Tavern be recreated as the birthplace Marines have long toasted. Thus, Philadelphia and the Delaware River are the most appropriate sites for the main celebrations of the Navy and Marine Corps 250th anniversaries.
Philadelphia is also the perfect visual setting for the 250th celebrations of the Navy and Marine Corps. Its historical buildings from the founding of our Nation have made it the historic heart of the United States and a World Heritage City. Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, and other iconic structures provide unmatchable sites and backdrops for the celebrations of the services founded there. Moreover, Philadelphia’s location at the heart of the most densely populated region of the country makes it easy for Americans to attend the celebrations and tour the historic ships in which the Navy and Marines made history. Join us to make these celebrations something the Navy, Marines, region, and Nation won't forget!
Building the Navy & Marines
Navy shipbuilding was also born in Philadelphia in 1775 when the Second Continental Congress authorized the constructions of frigates.
Philadelphia — The Perfect Setting
There is no better site for the celebrations of the founding of the Navy and Marine Corps in 1775 than their birthplace – Philadelphia and the banks of the Delaware.
Tun Tavern Recreated
One of the lasting legacies of the Bicentennial was the recreation of historical buildings, enjoyed by Americans for many decades since.
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